Bioclimatic Variables

This part of the workshop is dependant on set-up and preparation done previously here.

For bioclimatic variable calculation, this workshop makes use of the SpatialPolygons spatial preferences which we set up here.

First, we load KrigR:

To obtain bioclimatic data with KrigR we want to use the BioClim() function.

In the next sections, I will show you how to use it and how the resulting data objects may differ and why.

Bioclimatic variables are often treated as very robust metrics - I do not believe so and hope the following will demonstrate the nuance in bioclimatic metrics.

Our First Bioclimatic Data Set

Let’s start with the most basic of bioclimatic data products. So what are the specifications? Well, we:

  1. Query data for the period between 2010 (Y_start) and 2020 (Y_end, including 2020).
  2. Obtain data from the era5-land (DataSet) catalogue of data.
  3. Approximate water availability through precipitation (Water_Var) in keeping with typical practices.
  4. Extreme metrics for temperature minimum and maximum are calculated from daily (T_res) aggregates of the underlying hourly temperature data.
You will see function call to BioClim() wrapped in if statements which check for whether the output is already present or not. BioClim compilation can take significant time and I do this here to avoid recompilation on changes to the text of the blogpost on my end.
Setting the argument Keep_Monthly = TRUE will prompt the function to retain monthly aggregates of temperature and water availability alongside the final output. When BioClim() recognises that any of the underlying data is already present, it will skip the steps necessary to create this data.
Click here for file if download & processing takes too long: Download and place it into your data directory.
if(!file.exists(file.path(Dir.Data, ""))){
  BC2010_ras <- BioClim(
      Water_Var = "total_precipitation",
      Y_start = 2010,
      Y_end = 2020,
      DataSet = "era5-land",
      T_res = "day",
      Extent = Shape_shp,
      Dir = Dir.Data,
      Keep_Monthly = FALSE,
      FileName = "Present_BC",
      API_User = API_User,
      API_Key = API_Key,
      Cores = numberOfCores,
      TimeOut = 60^2*48,
      SingularDL = TRUE,
      verbose = TRUE,
      Keep_Raw = FALSE,
      TryDown = 5
  BC2010_ras <- stack(file.path(Dir.Data, ""))

Now let’s plot our results. Note that temperature is recorded in Kelvin and precipitation in cubic metres (i.e. litres). To do so, we use one of our user-defined plotting functions:

Plot_BC(BC2010_ras, Shp = Shape_shp)

There’s not much commenting on the output above as the output should look familiar to most macroecologists.


Time window of baseline climate data (e.g; climatology time frames) ought to be adjusted to the specific needs of each study. This is true also for bioclimatic data. Pre-made data sets do not deliver on this need!
With KrigR, you can build the bioclimatic data sets you need for your study.

Let’s move on to the first important functionality of the KrigR::BioClim() function: selection of time-frames. With this, you can obtain bioclimatic data for exactly the duration that your study requires. Here, we query data for the period between 1951 and 1960:

Click here for file if download & processing takes too long: Download and place it into your data directory.
if(!file.exists(file.path(Dir.Data, ""))){
  BC1951_ras <- BioClim(
      Water_Var = "total_precipitation",
      Y_start = 1951,
      Y_end = 1960,
      DataSet = "era5-land",
      T_res = "day",
      Extent = Shape_shp,
      Dir = Dir.Data,
      Keep_Monthly = FALSE,
      FileName = "Past_BC",
      API_User = API_User,
      API_Key = API_Key,
      Cores = numberOfCores,
      TimeOut = 60^2*48,
      SingularDL = TRUE,
      verbose = TRUE
  BC1951_ras <- stack(file.path(Dir.Data, ""))

I will forego plotting the data itself and instead plot the difference between our bioclimatic data of the present which we created prior and the newly created bioclimatic product of the past. Let me walk you through them 1 by 1.

The below plots show the differences in bioclimatic data products of the 2010-2020 and 1951-1960.

Annual Temperature

As you can see below, the time period of 2010 to 2020 was about 1.5-1.9 Kelvin warmer than the period of 1951 to 1960:

Plot_BC(BC2010_ras-BC1951_ras, Shp = Shape_shp, which = 1)


Let’s bundle the differences for all remaining temperature-related bioclimatic variables:

Plot_BC(BC2010_ras-BC1951_ras, Shp = Shape_shp, which = 2:11)

Again, you should easily identify just how much the data changes when setting different calculation time frames for bioclimatic variables.

Water Availability

Now for the water-related bioclimatic variables:

Plot_BC(BC2010_ras-BC1951_ras, Shp = Shape_shp, which = 12:19)

Clearly, my home area turned much drier with more pronounced seasonality and extreme precipitation events.

I hope that the above has clearly demonstrated on thing:

Appropriate use of bioclimatic variables is largely dependant on data retrieval for relevant time frames.

Water-Availability Variables

Precipitation might not be the most useful or appropriate water availability metric for your study region or requirements.
With KrigR, you can decide which water availability variable from the ERA5(-Land) catalogue to use for calculation of bioclimatic data sets.

Contrary to current practices in macroecology, I have gripes with the use of precipitation data in bioclimatic variable computation. Why is that? I strongly believe that other water availability variables are much better suited for our analyses for two reasons:

  1. Bioclimatic products are usually derived from observation-based climate products (such as WorldClim) which do not do a terrific job at accurately representing precipitation to begin with.
  2. Further downscaling of bioclimatic products containing precipitation information is terribly difficult.

Both issues are related to one central problem: Statistical interpolation of precipitation data is difficult and usually done insufficiently.

Luckily, with ERA5(-Land), we aren’t tied to precipitation and can instead use other water availability metrics such as volumetric soil water content - also known as soil moisture. What’s more, this data is available in four distinct depth layers which can be linked to root depth and growth forms.

Here, I demonstrate the use of the shallowest layer of soil moisture data. As you can see, we are using the same specification as for our basic bioclimatic product with the exception for the Water_Var argument:

Click here for file if download & processing takes too long: Download and place it into your data directory.
if(file.exists(file.path(Dir.Data, ""))){
  BCq_ras <- stack(file.path(Dir.Data, ""))
  BCq_ras <- BioClim(
      Water_Var = "volumetric_soil_water_layer_1",
      Y_start = 2010,
      Y_end = 2020,
      Extent = Shape_shp,
      Dir = Dir.Data,
      Keep_Monthly = FALSE,
      FileName = "Qsoil_BC",
      API_User = API_User,
      API_Key = API_Key,
      Cores = numberOfCores,
      TimeOut = Inf,
      SingularDL = TRUE

That’s how easy it is to obtain different bioclimatic products with KrigR. Let’s plot this:

Plot_BC(BCq_ras, Shp = Shape_shp, Water_Var = "Soil Moisture")

Again, I would like to investigate the changes in how we understand the climatic regimes across our study area now that we are using soil moisture for our water availability as compared to when we used precipitation data.


As is hardly surprising, there are no differences in annual temperature data or any other temperature variable except for BIO8 and BIO9. Since we change by what we quantify dryness and wetness, there is tremendous potential in quantifying temperature of driest and wettest quarter differently:

Plot_BC(BC2010_ras-BCq_ras, Shp = Shape_shp, which = 8:9)

Changing water availability metric in bioclimatic considerations can drastically change even temperature metrics.
Volumetric soil moisture exhibits more pronounced spatial patterns than precipitation records do thus supplying bioclimatic modelling exercises with more pronounced information.

Water Availability

Now for the water-related bioclimatic variables. This is where the rubber meets the road! Aside from the quantitative differences in water availability estimates when using soil moisture over precipitation records, please take note of the much more pronounced spatial patterns (particularly along the river throughout Saxony-Anhalt in the north-western region of our study area) when using soil moisture data. This is much more likely to accurately represent bioclimatic envelopes than the smooth patterns you can see for precipitation records.

Plot_BC(BC2010_ras-BCq_ras, Shp = Shape_shp, which = 12:19)

I hope that the above has clearly demonstrated on thing:

Choice of water availability variable has strong implications for how we quantify bioclimatic envelopes.

Extreme Value Calculations

Lastly, let us concern ourselves with the retrieval of extreme climate metrics which will affect almost all of our temperature-reliant bioclimatic variables.

Extreme event calculation is highly relevant for our understanding of bioclimatic envelopes and often turns into a blackbox exercise.
With KrigR, you can decide how to calculate extreme metrics.

So far, we have calculated monthly minimum and maximum temperatures from daily aggregates. However, with KrigR::BioClim() we can also obtain these extremes from hourly records simply by changing T_res:

Click here for file if download & processing takes too long: Download and place it into your data directory.
if(file.exists(file.path(Dir.Data, ""))){
  BCh_ras <- stack(file.path(Dir.Data, ""))
  BCh_ras <- BioClim(
    Water_Var = "volumetric_soil_water_layer_1",
    Y_start = 2010,
    Y_end = 2020,
    T_res = "hour",
    Extent = Shape_shp,
    Dir = Dir.Data,
    Keep_Monthly = FALSE,
    FileName = "Hourly_BC",
    API_User = API_User,
    API_Key = API_Key,
    Cores = numberOfCores,
    TimeOut = Inf,
    SingularDL = TRUE

Once again, let me plot the outcome of this.

Annual Temperature

The differences in annual temperature are negligible and only arise through slight deviations in hourly aggregates to monthly aggregates and daily aggregates.

Click here for the plot
Plot_BC(BCq_ras - BCh_ras, Shp = Shape_shp, Water_Var = "Soil Moisture", which = 1)


Let’s bundle the differences for all remaining temperature-related bioclimatic variables.

You will immediately see that all metrics reliant of mean values such as BIO4 and BIO8-BIO11 remain almost completely unaltered when using hourly aggregates. The stark differences manifest in all temperature-extreme variables:

Plot_BC(BCq_ras - BCh_ras, Shp = Shape_shp, Water_Var = "Soil Moisture", which = 2:11)

Extraction of extremes at an hourly resolution amplifies said extremes.

Water Availability

Unsurprisingly, there are no changes to our quantification of water availability metrics. You may plot this for yourself if you are interested.

I hope that the above has clearly demonstrated on thing:

Choice of temporal resolution of extreme metrics changes how we quantify bioclimatic envelopes drastically.

Kriging Bioclimatic Products

You might be unhappy with the spatial resolution of the bioclimatic data products generated through KrigR::BioClim(). You can remedy this through statistical interpolation which is conveniently built into KrigR.

When you do so, you do it at your own risk as I can not guarantee that the results will always be sensible. Investigate them before using them. It would be wiser to downscale the underlying data rather than the finished product, but I don’t feel like spending days on end kriging the underlying data so instead I show you how kriging can be performed, but I do so for the entire product.

Since I mentioned earlier that statistical interpolation of precipitation data is fraught with errors, I am demonstrating how to downscale the soil moisture product (BCq_ras). We have demonstrated capability of downscaling soil moisture data reliably using Kriging in this this publication (Figure 3).


Here, we follow the same basic kriging steps as demonstrated previously in this workshop material.

First, we create our DEM covariate rasters:

Covs_ls <- download_DEM(Train_ras = BCq_ras,
                        Target_res = .02,
                        Shape = Shape_shp,
                        Dir = Dir.Covariates,
                        Keep_Temporary = TRUE)

Next, we carry out the interpolation. A few things of note here: (1) I only hand the first 11 layers to the kriging call because those are the temperature data, (2) I leave out the Cores argument, so that krigR() determines how many cores your machine has and uses all of them to speed up the computation of the multi-layer raster, and (3) I set nmax to 80 to approximate a typical weather system in size:

BC_Temperature_Krig <- krigR(Data = BCq_ras[[1:11]],
      Covariates_coarse = Covs_ls[[1]],
      Covariates_fine = Covs_ls[[2]],
      Keep_Temporary = FALSE,
      nmax = 80,
      FileName = "BC_Temperature_Krig",
      Dir = Dir.Exports
## Commencing Kriging
  |                                                                                |   0%
  |=======                                                                         |   9%
  |===============                                                                 |  18%
  |======================                                                          |  27%
  |=============================                                                   |  36%
  |====================================                                            |  45%
  |============================================                                    |  55%
  |===================================================                             |  64%
  |==========================================================                      |  73%
  |=================================================================               |  82%
  |=========================================================================       |  91%
  |================================================================================| 100%
## Warning: [writeCDF] for better results use file extension '.nc' or '.cdf'
## see:
## Warning: [rast] unknown extent
## Warning: [writeCDF] for better results use file extension '.nc' or '.cdf'
## see:
## Warning: [rast] unknown extent

Finally, we analyse the outputs of our plotting exercise. I break these up into smaller chunks for easier digestion.

BIO1 - Annual Mean Temperature

Interpolating this data is just like statistically downscaling any other temperature product and can be done without any problems.
Click here for plotting call and plot:
Plot_Krigs(lapply(BC_Temperature_Krig[-3], "[[", 1), 
           Shp = Shape_shp,
           Dates = "BIO1 - Annual Mean Temperature"

BIO2 - Mean Diurnal Range

This data product is calculated from extreme values and would be interpolated better by first statistically downscaling the underlying data rather than the final bioclimatic variable.
Click here for plotting call and plot:
The smooth patterns in this plot clearly highlight the issue with using krigr() on the final bioclimatic product.
Plot_Krigs(lapply(BC_Temperature_Krig[-3], "[[", 2), 
           Shp = Shape_shp,
           Dates = "BIO2 - Mean Diurnal Range"

BIO3 - Isothermality

This data product is calculated from BIO2 and BIO7 and thus relies on extreme values. Conclusively, it would be interpolated better by first statistically downscaling the underlying data rather than the final bioclimatic variable.
Click here for plotting call and plot:
The smooth patterns in this plot clearly highlight the issue with using krigr() on the final bioclimatic product.
Plot_Krigs(lapply(BC_Temperature_Krig[-3], "[[", 3), 
           Shp = Shape_shp,
           Dates = "BIO3 - Isothermality"

BIO4 - Temperature Seasonality

This data product is calculated using the standard deviation of mean values throughout our time frame. Conclusively, it would be interpolated better by first statistically downscaling the underlying data rather than the final bioclimatic variable.
Click here for plotting call and plot:
The smooth patterns in this plot clearly highlight the issue with using krigr() on the final bioclimatic product.
Plot_Krigs(lapply(BC_Temperature_Krig[-3], "[[", 4), 
           Shp = Shape_shp,
           Dates = "BIO4 - Temperature Seasonality"

BIO5 - Max Temperature of Warmest Month

Interpolating this data is just like statistically downscaling any other temperature product and can be done without any problems.
Click here for plotting call and plot:
Plot_Krigs(lapply(BC_Temperature_Krig[-3], "[[", 5), 
           Shp = Shape_shp,
           Dates = c("BIO5 - Max Temperature of Warmest Month")

BIO6 - Min Temperature of Coldest Month

Interpolating this data is just like statistically downscaling any other temperature product and can be done without any problems.
Click here for plotting call and plot:
Plot_Krigs(lapply(BC_Temperature_Krig[-3], "[[", 6), 
           Shp = Shape_shp,
           Dates = "BIO6 - Min Temperature of Coldest Month"

BIO7 - Temperature Annual Range (BIO5-BIO6)

This data product is calculated from BIO5 and BIO6 and thus relies on extreme values. Conclusively, it would be interpolated better by first statistically downscaling the underlying data rather than the final bioclimatic variable.
Click here for plotting call and plot:
The smooth patterns in this plot clearly highlight the issue with using krigr() on the final bioclimatic product.
Plot_Krigs(lapply(BC_Temperature_Krig[-3], "[[", 7), 
           Shp = Shape_shp,
           Dates = "BIO7 - Temperature Annual Range (BIO5-BIO6)"

Since BIO5 and BIO6 can be interpolated well themselves, one may chose to use the downscaled versions of BIO5 and BIO6 to create a downscaled version of BIO7.
Doing so, however, raises the question of how to integrate the downscaling uncertainty associated with BIO5 and BIO6 into the product for BIO7. I have submitted a research proposal to assess best practice for issues like these.
Click here for calculation, plotting call, and plot:

Here, I visualise the differences between the interpolated BIO7 and the recalculated BIO7 (from interpolated BIO5 and BIO6):

BIO7 <- lapply(BC_Temperature_Krig[1], "[[", 5)[[1]] - lapply(BC_Temperature_Krig[1], "[[", 6)[[1]]
Plot_Raw(lapply(BC_Temperature_Krig[1], "[[", 7)[[1]]-BIO7, 
         Shp = Shape_shp,
         Dates = "BIO7 - Temperature Annual Range (BIO5-BIO6)"

To be fair, these differences are rather small when compared to the data range in BIO7.

BIO8 & BIO9 - Temperatures of Wettest and Driest Quarter

I do not recommend you use these kriging outputs! They rely on water availability data which is not being interpolated here. Subsequently, the patchiness of the underlying data is lost and with it: information.
Click here for plotting call and plot:
Plot_Krigs(lapply(BC_Temperature_Krig[-3], "[[", 8:9), 
           Shp = Shape_shp,
           Dates = c("BIO8 - Mean Temperature of Wettest Quarter", 
                     "BIO9 - Mean Temperature of Driest Quarter")

BIO10 & BIO11 - Temperatures of Warmest and Coldest Quarter

I do not recommend you use these kriging outputs! They rely on mean quarterly temperature data which is not being interpolated here. Subsequently, the patchiness of the underlying data is lost and with it: information.
Click here for plotting call and plot:
Plot_Krigs(lapply(BC_Temperature_Krig[-3], "[[", 10:11), 
           Shp = Shape_shp,
           Dates = c("BIO10 - Mean Temperature of Warmest Quarter", 
                     "BIO11 - Mean Temperature of Coldest Quarter")

Water Availability

Statistical downscaling of non-temperature data usually requires more than just elevation covariates.
With KrigR, you can use different sets of covariates. I demonstrate this in the workshop material regarding third-party covariates.

Session Info

## R version 4.2.3 (2023-03-15)
## Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin17.0 (64-bit)
## Running under: macOS Big Sur ... 10.16
## Matrix products: default
## BLAS:   /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.2/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib
## LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.2/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib
## locale:
## [1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8
## attached base packages:
## [1] parallel  stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     
## other attached packages:
##  [1] mapview_2.11.0          rnaturalearthdata_0.1.0 rnaturalearth_0.3.2    
##  [4] gimms_1.2.1             ggmap_3.0.2             cowplot_1.1.1          
##  [7] viridis_0.6.2           viridisLite_0.4.1       ggplot2_3.4.1          
## [10] tidyr_1.3.0             KrigR_0.1.2             terra_1.7-21           
## [13] httr_1.4.5              stars_0.6-0             abind_1.4-5            
## [16] fasterize_1.0.4         sf_1.0-12               lubridate_1.9.2        
## [19] automap_1.1-9           doSNOW_1.0.20           snow_0.4-4             
## [22] doParallel_1.0.17       iterators_1.0.14        foreach_1.5.2          
## [25] rgdal_1.6-5             raster_3.6-20           sp_1.6-0               
## [28] stringr_1.5.0           keyring_1.3.1           ecmwfr_1.5.0           
## [31] ncdf4_1.21             
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## [28] vctrs_0.6.1              blogdown_1.16            crosstalk_1.2.0         
## [31] lwgeom_0.2-11            xfun_0.37                timechange_0.2.0        
## [34] lifecycle_1.0.3          rnaturalearthhires_0.2.1 zoo_1.8-11              
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## [64] generics_0.1.3           DBI_1.1.3                pillar_1.8.1            
## [67] withr_2.5.0              units_0.8-1              xts_0.13.0              
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## [73] utf8_1.2.3               rmarkdown_2.20           jpeg_0.1-10             
## [76] grid_4.2.3               zyp_0.11-1               FNN_1.1.3.2             
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