Preparing The Work First of all, most .R scripts will follow the same kind of structure:
Head The Head is used as an information statement at the top of your code document that informs the user of the contents, author, and (sometimes) date of the last edit on said document.
These are the solutions to the exercises contained within the handout to Introduction to R which walks you through the basics of the `R` machinery. `R` is a coding language that can be highly individualised and hence there are often multiple solutions to the same problem. Within these solutions, I shall only present you with one solution for every given task. However, do keep in mind that there is probably a myriad of other ways to achieve your goal.
Preparing The Work Let’s create our basic structure for this document:
Head Not much has changed in the head when compared to our last exercise. We merely change the contents and and the edit tag, since the rest stays the same for the entire project.
These are the solutions to the exercises contained within the handout to A Primer For Statistical Tests which walks you through the basics of variables, their scales and distributions. Keep in mind that there is probably a myriad of other ways to reach the same conclusions as presented in these solutions.
Preparing The Work Let’s create our basic structure for this document:
Head Not much has changed in the head when compared to our last exercise. We merely change the contents and and the edit tag, since the rest stays the same for the entire project.
These are the solutions to the exercises contained within the handout to Descriptive Statistics which walks you through the basics of descriptive statistics and its parameters. The analyses presented here are using data from the `StarWars` data set supplied through the `dplyr` package that have been saved as a .csv file.
These are the solutions to the exercises contained within the handout to Data Visualisation which walks you through the basics of data visualisation in `R`using `ggplot2`. The plots presented here are using data from the `iris` data set supplied through the `datasets` package.