Naturally formed canopy gaps increase tree species diversity in the tropical Moist Afromontane Forest of Gerba Dima, southwest Ethiopia

Investigation of causes and outcomes of canopy gaps in Ethiopia.

Prototype biodiversity digital twin - crop wild relatives genetic resources for food security

Early-stage outcome of my contributions to the BioDT project.

Plant trait and vegetation data along a 1314m elevation gradient with fire history in Puna grasslands, Perú

Plant Functional Trait Campaign Dataset from the Peruvian Andes.

NetworkExtinction - An R Package to Simulate Extinction Propagation and Rewiring Potential in Ecological Networks

R package for exploration of extinction and rewiring processes in ecological networks.

MOSAIC - A Unified Trait Database to Complement Structured Population Models

Integration of multiple demographic data bases into one easily accessible one-stop-shop for your demographic needs.

A novel trophic cascade between cougars and feral donkeys shapes desert wetlands

Analysis of spatio-temporal behaviour of donkeys and other grazers in response to predation by cougars.

Vegetation memory effects and their association with vegetation resilience in global drylands

Expanding on my M.Sc. thesis by applying my vegetation memory framework to global drylands.

KrigR – A tool for downloading and statistically downscaling climate reanalysis data

An R Package aimed at end-users of state-of-the-art climate reanalysis data to streamline retrieval, pre-processing, and statistical interpolation of ERA5(-Land) data.

Reconciling high resolution climate datasets using KrigR

Exploration of the usage of KrigR and implications for the wider field of climate data products for the use in Life Science research.